We’re still living with old brains in a new world. In terms of evolutionary biology, survival meant falling back on stereotypes, storing up calories, and trusting new knowledge less than what we have already heard. In late-modern Western societies, this tends to make us hostile to the future, overweight, and less open to the world. We can override this programming, but it’s just more strenuous for our brains, a “human resource” that is being increasingly overloaded in a complex world.
At the Work Culture Festival 2024, Dr Bernd Hufnagl explained how the human brain copes with new challenges. He explained how we perceive our environment, how our self-perception differs from the perception of others and gave tips on how to activate our positive energies.
The video shows an interview conducted by the IBA Forum editorial team after the presentation with Prof. Dr. Bernd Hufnagl.
Photo and video: © IBA