Office planning Body dimensions

Is it high enough or already too high?

Furniture users’ body measurements begin to play an important role as soon as interior planning goes from two dimensions to three.

The fifth and 95th percentiles of men and women are generally considered for such planning. You can find the most important body measurements on this page.


For example, if you plan to install an opaque screen in a glassed-in 'think tank' area, this screen should be tall enough so that the upper edge is above the eye level of tall people who are standing up and the bottom edge is below the eye level of short people who are sitting down.


Unser Tipp:
Setzen Sie die Erkenntnisse gleich in die Planung Ihres perfekten Büros um. Das ist mit dem IBA OfficePlaner jetzt ganz einfach. Probieren Sie unseren neuen Online-Büroplaner gleich mal aus.

Body measurements — an overview

Body measurements women: These values do not include the wearers’ clothing and shoes. According to DIN EN ISO 14738, 3 cm should generally be added for the height of shoe heels.
Body measurements women: These values do not include the wearers’ clothing and shoes. According to DIN EN ISO 14738, 3 cm should generally be added for the height of shoe heels.
Body measurements men: For seating furniture with a fixed height, the seating height replaces measurement number 14. The height of the user’s shoe heels must be taken into account for height-adjustable seating furniture.
Body measurements men: For seating furniture with a fixed height, the seating height replaces measurement number 14. The height of the user’s shoe heels must be taken into account for height-adjustable seating furniture.

According to DIN 33402-2, all of the data refers to adults between the ages of 18 and 65 in Germany. The data was taken from the “Kleine Ergonomische Datensammlung" published by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). (Information without guarantee.)