Welcome to the world of OFML!
The furnishing of offices requires expertise — and the availability of the right tools. That’s why a uniform data standard was created for all office furnishings: OFML. Almost all the manufacturers of office furniture in German-speaking countries supply OFML data about their products. There is also a steadily growing amount of data for products from other countries.
What is OFML?
In addition to 2D and 3D views, OFML data contain configuration-related information, descriptive texts about the products, and business information for making offers and for merchandise management.
Software solutions are available for the following areas of application:
- the configuration of complex products
- 2D and 3D planning
- professional visualization
- drawing up offers
- ERP/ordering systems
OFML enables users to make complex plans without needing AutoCad®.
Expanded applications
A special application of the OFML data is the acoustic plug-in. This extension of pCon.planner PRO (as of version 6) combines the planning of office furniture with the forecasting of the acoustic properties of rooms. The plug-in provides a basis for estimating reverberation times. Additional acoustic calculations can be made by transmitting the data for all the surfaces in a room (walls, floor, ceiling, furniture and other furnishings) and their sound absorption values to the professional software CadnaR.
OFML is a registered trademark of the Industrieverband Büro und Arbeitswelt e.V. (IBA).
However, the data standard is also available to companies that are not organised in the association and to other sectors.