WW - Work Culture Festival. Talk with: Ralf Rangnick. Photo: Steevy84 / iStock

Leadership and Team: Everyone Has to Take Responsibility [Dialogue]

“You have to be born to be a head coach to some extent.”

Even as a six-year-old, Ralf Rangnick wanted to organise the teams, the match and show others how they could improve while playing football with nine-year-olds.  

He now considers his job primarily as a ‘development aid’: the holistic concept is important to him, not scrutinising every little part of his job for improvement potential. Rangnick says: “The biggest motivator for people is not money, but having a boss, trainer or professor who makes you better”.  At ORGATEC, Thorsten Giersch will talk to Ralf Rangnick about leadership, consistent decision-making and, of course, football.  

[Language: German]

Photo: © Steevy84 / iStock


Four days packed with a top-class programme is waiting for you! Let yourself be inspired by talks, discussion groups, workshops and interactive experiences!


Cawa Younosi

The Lack of Skilled Workers: The Hidden Opportunities for Employees, Companies and Society

Frauke von Polier in dialogue with Michael Trautmann

Navigating Transformation: Exploring Purpose, HXM and Leadership as the Key Navigators [Dialogue]

Ralf Rangnick in dialogue Thorsten Giersch

Leadership and Team: Everyone Has to Take Responsibility [Dialogue]

A. Strub, V. Hilgenstock, T.F. Schäfer

Flagship store office? Why it is important to make brands tangible both internally and externally

Uli Blum

The Power of Data: How AI Transforms Workplace Design

W. Aisslinger, C. Bacchus, D. Kulen, J. Steere

Energizing the Workplace: Is Hospitality Key? [Panel]

You are cordially invited!

Wherever Whenever – Festival Party (Halls 6 & 9)

Volker Widdra, Alexandra Saisnith

70% Back to Office Quota: Voluntarily!

Lara Milerski, Monika Lepel

Lessons Learned GIZ Campus Bonn: What Remains! A Dialogue Between Planning and Use [Panel]

Birgit Gebhardt, Felix Dibelka

The Office as a Learning Space: New Work Always Means Reskilling

Sabrina Schaal, Markus Weber

personalmagazin panel: New working environments for the work of tomorrow

Tobias Baur, Katrin Mercsanits, Michael Wiebelt

Corporate Development and Corporate Space: How Can it be Recognised and Used Positively?

Alexandra Saisnith, Volker Widdra, Bettina Herold

combine workLAB: Back to Office: How Offices Become Identity-forming, Cultural Hubs

A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: New Leadership

A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: Change Communication

A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: New Culture

A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: Change Analytics

Exhibition (9:00 - 18:00)

Rewire: New Work Modes

Exhibition (9:00 - 18:00)

Unfair: Art in a Changing World of Work

Street Art Event (9:00 - 18:00)

REISS: Art meets Innovation

Vaughn Tan

Embracing Uncertainty: Designing Teams and Businesses to do Innovation Work

Valeria Segovia

Future Office: Inside-Out

M. Mali, U. Blum, V. Segovia, V. Tan, R. Thiemann

Identity Crisis: Should the Office Accommodate Everybody? [Panel]

Fabian Kienbaum, Michael Trautmann

Creating Instead of Administering: Courageous Leadership in the New World of Work

Yaël Meier

Generation Z: Talking to the young instead of on them

Oskar and Michael Trautmann


You are cordially invited!

Wherever Whenever – Festival Party (Halls 6+9)

Sabrina Schaal, Markus Weber

Offices for People: Successful Work Environments from the Perspective of HR and the Organisation

Amelie Marie Fischer, Ann Sophie Lauterbach

The Workplace of Tomorrow: Participatory and Evidence-based Office Design

D. Winzer, S. Ayoub, D. Reicherts, M. Jung

Corporate box packing: Between New Ways of Working and Efficient Relocation Management

Axinia Braunisch, Robert Polgar

Building the Collaboration of Tomorrow: Science in Transition

Christian Nocke

Room Acoustics: Underestimated and Often Forgotten

G. Castegini, Ch. Hestermann, I. Stocker-Rakolczay

Workshop: Redesigning the Future

Sabrina Schaal, Ulrike Lamprecht

Workshop: How do I define the user value of an office from an HR perspective? 

Fabian Ulitzka @ König + Neurath

AI and Work Culture – Risk or Opportunity?

IBA Lounge & Bookshop

Book Signing: Cawa Younosi

VR Experience (9:00 - 18:00)

Dive into a New Dimension: The Interstuhl VR Experience

David Borst @ König + Neurath

How we will live and work in the future

Karim Rashid @ Nowy Styl and Kusch+Co

Bound to relations feat. Karim Rashid

D. Kretz, N. Schneider @ König + Neurath

Create. Work. Space. – The way to the new world of work

IBA Lounge & Bookshop

Book Signing: Michael Trautmann

24 October 2024

Cawa Younosi

The Lack of Skilled Workers: The Hidden Opportunities for Employees, Companies and Society

WW - Work Culture Festival. Vortrag: Cawa Younosi. Foto: filadendron / iStock
Team Oct 24 10:00
Sabrina Schaal, Markus Weber

Offices for People: Successful Work Environments from the Perspective of HR and the Organisation

WW-Work Culture Festival, Photo: © Drees & Sommer (Hinterhaus Productions, gettyimages)
Life Oct 24 10:00
Vaughn Tan

Embracing Uncertainty: Designing Teams and Businesses to do Innovation Work

WW - Work Culture Festival. Learning from Chefs. Foto: © RossHelen/iStock
Impact Oct 24 10:00
Volker Widdra, Alexandra Saisnith

70% Back to Office Quota: Voluntarily!

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, Photo: © Lara Thiesbrummel, combine Consulting
Team Oct 24 10:00
Exhibition (9:00 - 18:00)

Rewire: New Work Modes

Rewire: New Work Mode. Design Exhibition at Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival
Oct 24 10:15
Lara Milerski, Monika Lepel

Lessons Learned GIZ Campus Bonn: What Remains! A Dialogue Between Planning and Use [Panel]

WW - Work Culture Festival: GIZ Campus Bonn,  © GIZ
Team Oct 24 10:45
Valeria Segovia

Future Office: Inside-Out

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, Keynote: Valeria Segovia, Credit: ​​​​​​​Gensler
Impact Oct 24 10:45
Frauke von Polier in dialogue with Michael Trautmann

Navigating Transformation: Exploring Purpose, HXM and Leadership as the Key Navigators [Dialogue]

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, 24.10.2024, Cologne - Keynote: Frauke von Polier ©Frauke von Polier
Team Oct 24 10:45
Amelie Marie Fischer, Ann Sophie Lauterbach

The Workplace of Tomorrow: Participatory and Evidence-based Office Design

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Workspace of Tomorrow
Team Oct 24 10:45
G. Castegini, Ch. Hestermann, I. Stocker-Rakolczay

Workshop: Redesigning the Future

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Workshop Redesigning the Future, @ Drees & Sommer
Life Oct 24 11:00
Fabian Ulitzka @ König + Neurath

AI and Work Culture – Risk or Opportunity?

Makers Space, König + Neurath
Oct 24 11:00
Alexandra Saisnith, Volker Widdra, Bettina Herold

combine workLAB: Back to Office: How Offices Become Identity-forming, Cultural Hubs

WW - Work Culture Festival. Back to Office. Credit: Laura Thiesbrummel
Team Oct 24 11:00
IBA Lounge & Bookshop

Book Signing: Cawa Younosi

Book Signing: Cawa Younosi
Oct 24 11:10
D. Winzer, S. Ayoub, D. Reicherts, M. Jung

Corporate box packing: Between New Ways of Working and Efficient Relocation Management

Horváth & Partners @ Wherever Whenever – Work Culture Festival
Impact Oct 24 11:30
Birgit Gebhardt, Felix Dibelka

The Office as a Learning Space: New Work Always Means Reskilling

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Birgit Gebhardt - Felix Dibelka
Team Oct 24 11:30
M. Mali, U. Blum, V. Segovia, V. Tan, R. Thiemann

Identity Crisis: Should the Office Accommodate Everybody? [Panel]

WW - Work Culture Festival. Identity Crisis. Foto: © Matthijs van Roon
Life Oct 24 11:30
Ralf Rangnick in dialogue Thorsten Giersch

Leadership and Team: Everyone Has to Take Responsibility [Dialogue]

WW - Work Culture Festival. Talk with: Ralf Rangnick. Photo: Steevy84 / iStock
Team Oct 24 11:30
A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: New Leadership

Horváth & Partners @ Wherever Whenever – Work Culture Festival
Team Oct 24 12:15
Exhibition (9:00 - 18:00)

Unfair: Art in a Changing World of Work

Unfair: Art in a Changing World of Work. Exhibition at Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, © Koos Buster
Oct 24 12:45
VR Experience (9:00 - 18:00)

Dive into a New Dimension: The Interstuhl VR Experience

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Interstuhl - VR Experience
Oct 24 13:00
A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: Change Communication

Horváth & Partners @ Wherever Whenever – Work Culture Festival
Team Oct 24 13:15
A. Strub, V. Hilgenstock, T.F. Schäfer

Flagship store office? Why it is important to make brands tangible both internally and externally

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Public Administration, @ Drees & Sommer
Team Oct 24 14:00
Street Art Event (9:00 - 18:00)

REISS: Art meets Innovation

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: REISS: Art meets Innovation
Oct 24 14:00
Sabrina Schaal, Markus Weber

personalmagazin panel: New working environments for the work of tomorrow

WW-Work Culture Festival, Photo: © Marco-VDM, iStock
Team Oct 24 14:00
Axinia Braunisch, Robert Polgar

Building the Collaboration of Tomorrow: Science in Transition

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Axinia Braunisch and Dr Robert Polgar, Building the Collaboration of Tomorrow (Credit: Leibniz Gemeinschaft)
Team Oct 24 14:00
David Borst @ König + Neurath

How we will live and work in the future

NWP Wave Lobby, König + Neurath
Oct 24 14:00
Fabian Kienbaum, Michael Trautmann

Creating Instead of Administering: Courageous Leadership in the New World of Work

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Fabian Kienbaum | Michael Trautmann, Credit: Kienbaum | Leading Minds
Team Oct 24 14:00
A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: New Culture

Horváth & Partners @ Wherever Whenever – Work Culture Festival
Team Oct 24 14:15
Tobias Baur, Katrin Mercsanits, Michael Wiebelt

Corporate Development and Corporate Space: How Can it be Recognised and Used Positively?

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Corporat Development and Corporat Rooms, Talk by moocon, Credit: Thomas Schäkel, Koelnmesse
Impact Oct 24 14:45
Uli Blum

The Power of Data: How AI Transforms Workplace Design

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, Visualisierung: © Uli Blum
Impact Oct 24 14:45
Yaël Meier

Generation Z: Talking to the young instead of on them

WW - Work Culture Festival: Generation Z, Credit: Yaël Meier
Team Oct 24 14:45
Christian Nocke

Room Acoustics: Underestimated and Often Forgotten

Room Acoustics - WW-Work Culture Festival - Speech Dr Christian Nocke, Photo: © Peopleimages / iStock
Life Oct 24 14:45
Sabrina Schaal, Ulrike Lamprecht

Workshop: How do I define the user value of an office from an HR perspective? 

WW - Work Culture Festival, Workshop Drees & Sommer, Credit: Peter Neusser
Team Oct 24 15:00
Karim Rashid @ Nowy Styl and Kusch+Co

Bound to relations feat. Karim Rashid

Karim Rashid @ ORGATEC 2024, © Karim Rashid
Oct 24 15:00
A. Purbs, V. Scholz, A. Terasa

Case Clinic: Change Analytics

Horváth & Partners @ Wherever Whenever – Work Culture Festival
Team Oct 24 15:15
W. Aisslinger, C. Bacchus, D. Kulen, J. Steere

Energizing the Workplace: Is Hospitality Key? [Panel]

WW - Work Culture Festival. Energizing the Workplace. Foto: ©The Social Hub
Team Oct 24 15:30
Oskar and Michael Trautmann


GEN Z Podcast: ZOOMER MEETS BOOMER, Credit: Oskar and Michael Trautmann
Team Oct 24 15:30
D. Kretz, N. Schneider @ König + Neurath

Create. Work. Space. – The way to the new world of work

Credit: König + Neurath
Oct 24 15:30
IBA Lounge & Bookshop

Book Signing: Michael Trautmann

Book Signing: Michael Trautmann
Oct 24 16:25
You are cordially invited!

Wherever Whenever – Festival Party (Halls 6 & 9)

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, Credit: Anton Vierietin, iStock
Oct 24 18:00
You are cordially invited!

Wherever Whenever – Festival Party (Halls 6+9)

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, Credit: Anton Vierietin, iStock
Oct 24 18:00
Free Voucher
Ticket Shop