WW - Work Culture Festival. Identity Crisis. Foto: © Matthijs van Roon

Identity Crisis: Should the Office Accommodate Everybody?

As organizations increasingly recognize that office dynamics have permanently shifted, they focus on how the office can meet employees’ diverse needs. The traditional one-size-fits-all workplace must evolve into an agile, flexible environment that adapts to the changing demands of the workforce. Can the office be transformed into a compelling destination where a diverse range of workers can thrive? And what will the implications be for remote work?

[Language: English]

Photo: © Matthijs van Roon

Four days packed with a top-class programme is waiting for you! Information on more lectures, panel discussions, workshops and experience rooms will follow shortly!

Uli Blum

The Power of Data: How AI Transforms Workplace Design

Cawa Younosi

The Lack of Skilled Workers: The Hidden Opportunities for Employees, Companies and Society

Werner Aisslinger, Clare Bacchus, David Kulen and Jason Steere

Energizing the Workplace: Is Hospitality Key?

Ralf Rangnick

Leadership and Team: Everyone Has to Take Responsibility [Dialogue]

Sabrina Schaal, Markus Weber

Offices for People: Successful Work Environments from the Perspective of HR and the Organisation

Birgit Gebhardt, Felix Dibelka

The Office as a Learning Space: New Work Always Means Reskilling

Lara Milerski, Monika Lepel

Lessons Learned GIZ Campus Bonn: What Remains! A Dialogue Between Planning and Use [Panel]

24 October 2024

Cawa Younosi

The Lack of Skilled Workers: The Hidden Opportunities for Employees, Companies and Society

WW - Work Culture Festival. Vortrag: Cawa Younosi. Foto: filadendron / iStock
Team Oct 24 10:00
Vaughn Tan

Embracing Uncertainty: What Corporations Can Learn from Chefs

WW - Work Culture Festival. Learning from Chefs. Foto: © RossHelen/iStock
Impact Oct 24 10:00
Ralf Rangnick

Leadership and Team: Everyone Has to Take Responsibility [Dialogue]

WW - Work Culture Festival. Talk with: Ralf Rangnick. Photo: Steevy84 / iStock
Team Oct 24 10:45
Lara Milerski, Monika Lepel

Lessons Learned GIZ Campus Bonn: What Remains! A Dialogue Between Planning and Use [Panel]

WW - Work Culture Festival: GIZ Campus Bonn,  © GIZ
Team Oct 24 10:45
Jette Hopp

Starchitecture Without Starchitects: How to Create Work Environments That Foster Collective Excellence

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, Speech: Jette Hopp, Credit: ​​​​​​​Snøhetta
Team Oct 24 10:45
Amelie Marie Fischer, Ann Sophie Lauterbach

The Workplace of Tomorrow: Participatory and Evidence-based Office Design

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Workspace of Tomorrow
Team Oct 24 10:45
Birgit Gebhardt, Felix Dibelka

The Office as a Learning Space: New Work Always Means Reskilling

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Birgit Gebhardt - Felix Dibelka
Team Oct 24 11:30
Marnix Mali and others

Identity Crisis: Should the Office Accommodate Everybody?

WW - Work Culture Festival. Identity Crisis. Foto: © Matthijs van Roon
Life Oct 24 11:30
Sabrina Schaal, Markus Weber

Offices for People: Successful Work Environments from the Perspective of HR and the Organisation

WW-Work Culture Festival, Photo: © Drees & Sommer (Hinterhaus Productions, gettyimages)
Life Oct 24 14:00
Axinia Braunisch, Robert Polgar

Building the Collaboration of Tomorrow: Science in Transition

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival: Axinia Braunisch and Dr Robert Polgar, Building the Collaboration of Tomorrow (Credit: Leibniz Gemeinschaft)
Team Oct 24 14:00
Uli Blum

The Power of Data: How AI Transforms Workplace Design

Wherever Whenever - Work Culture Festival, Visualisierung: © Uli Blum
Impact Oct 24 14:45
Christian Nocke

Room Acoustics: Underestimated and Often Forgotten

Room Acoustics - WW-Work Culture Festival - Speech Dr Christian Nocke, Photo: © Peopleimages / iStock
Life Oct 24 14:45
Sabrina Schaal

Workshop: How do I define the user value of an office from an HR perspective? 

WW - Work Culture Festival, Workshop Drees & Sommer, Credit: Peter Neusser
Team Oct 24 15:00
Werner Aisslinger, Clare Bacchus, David Kulen and Jason Steere

Energizing the Workplace: Is Hospitality Key?

WW - Work Culture Festival. Energizing the Workplace. Foto: ©The Social Hub
Team Oct 24 15:30
Oskar and Michael Trautmann


GEN Z Podcast: ZOOMER MEETS BOOMER, Credit: Oskar and Michael Trautmann
Team Oct 24 15:30
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