
Perfectly organized.
The IBA committees.


Generating Momentum

Committee work is an important part of our association’s activities. This is where the experts from our member companies meet to share their experience and to cooperate on project work.

Generating Momentum


The Committees of the IBA

The following committees are currently active within the IBA:

  • IT Committee and OFML Working Groups
  • Marketing Group
  • Technical Committee

Sporadic meetings are organized for the following expert groups:

  • Working Group Sustainability
  • Working Group Digitization
  • OFML project groups and OFML data creators
  • Working Group Quality Office Certification

Membership of the committees is open to all IBA members, irrespective of the type of their membership.


IT Committee

Head: Michael Hoppe, König + Neurath AG, Karben


  • Development of standardized data formats for the visualization of office furniture (graphic part of the OFML format), for commercial processing (OCD) and for order data exchange (OEX)
  • Further development of a tool for OFML data quality (APODA)
  • Definition of a format for exchanging order data between manufacturers and retailers
  • Supporting the development of office furnishing planning software
  • Activities in the field of e‑business and e‑procurement, catalogue descriptions, electronic order data exchange
  • Development of a plug-in for the calculation of reverberation times
  • Proposal for an online strategy

In addition, four independent working groups are active for specific OFML applications. 

Contact: Stefan Kokkes, s.kokkes@iba.online


Marketing Group

Head: Stefan Kokkes, IBA, Wiesbaden


  • Identification and discussion of future-oriented topics
  • Definition of the IBA’s communication priorities
  • Development of communication strategies
  • Processing of future-oriented topics, e.g. within the framework of the New Work Order studies, for use in the office design sector
  • Sharing experience in the areas of media and PR

Contact: Stefan Kokkes, s.kokkes@iba.online


Technical Committee

Head: Thomas Vogelbacher, Sedus Stoll AG, Waldshut


  • Coordination of a joint strategy of IBA members in national and international standardization projects
  • Representation of the interests of IBA members in national and international standardization committees
  • Representation of the interests of IBA members in FEMB standardization projects
  • Exchanging information and maintaining contact with testing institutes, the statutory employers’ liability insurance company for administrative employees (Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft — VBG), the Committee on Product Safety (AfPS) and experts from various disciplines
  • Sharing experience in dealing with standards and regulations
  • Accelerating the use of ergonomic and technical knowledge as the basis for the development of new products 
  • Participation in relevant committees for connecting standardization processes with governmental and private regulations

A working group for standardization coordination supports the work of the Technology Committee.  

Contact: Volker Weßels, v.wessels@iba.online

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