Publisher of the Website
Industrieverband Büro und Arbeitswelt e. V. (IBA)
(German Interior Business Association)
Bierstadter Str. 39
65189 Wiesbaden
Fon: +49 611 9457637–0
E‑Mail: info(at)
Register of associations at the Amtsgericht Wiesbaden: VR 6207
IBA Board
President: Helmut Link, Interstuhl Büromöbel GmbH & Co. KG
General Manager
Stefan Kokkes
Responsible for the Content of this Website
Barbara Schwaibold, Press Officer
Design and Technical Realisation of the Website
Concept and design: dbl designbüro lehmann, Oberursel
Concept and design WW-Festival: Studio Bas Koopmans, Amsterdam
Technical realisation: blue multimedia GmbH, Oberursel
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Image Credits
External image sources in the newsroom articles are marked there.
All images in the showrooms are provided by the respective showroom operators and are subject to their rights.
Information on the image sources in the IBA knowledge and IBA OfficePlanner sections can be found on the subpages.