

Work Culture

Making hybrid work fit for the future: An interview with Professor Johanna Bath

Hybrid work is facing companies with new challenges. We spoke with Professor Johanna Bath from the ESB Business School in Reutlingen about how well-functioning hybrid work should be organised. Weiterlesen

Frau Prof Dr Johanna Bath, talentista now

Workspaces of Tomorrow

The new colleague AI: An interview with Marc Engenhart

In the future it will be impossible to conceive of the office as a learning space without the new colleague AI. The editorial staff of IBA Forum talked with the communication designer Marc Engenhart about the work environment of the future. Weiterlesen

IBA Forum: Marc Engenhardt

Learning world office

Gamification: We create a different way of working

Tech expert Jay Latta on how gamification can enrich the world of work in the future. Weiterlesen

photo: AdobeStock_488891056

World of learning

Artificial intelligence in the world of work: An interview with Dr. Sylke Piéch

The digital transformation is proceeding apace and making an impact on diverse areas of the world of work. The editorial office of the IBA Forum had a conversation with Dr. Sylke Piéch, an expert on artificial intelligence in the context of leadership, work and education. Weiterlesen

Dr. Sylke Piéch

Workspaces of Tomorrow

Artificial Intelligence as a spur to creativity

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the world of work as we know it. Process automation and the optimization of business processes are usually the central elements of this transformation. But AI can also be used as a spur to creativity. Weiterlesen


Added value office

Generation management in the office: 5 questions to Kira Marie Cremer

In its format “5 questions to…”, IBA talked with Kira Marie Cremer, a New Work expert and the host of the podcast “New Work Now”, about companies’ challenging task of balancing the needs of different employee generations and about the question of how good generation management can lead to… Weiterlesen

Kira Marie Cremer

Corporate Culture

An interview with Kerstin Potthoff-Koß

We spoke with Kerstin Potthoff-Koß, Change Manager, Team and Business Coach in Global IT at Dräger, about corporate culture, the new normal and the question of how new work is changing leadership. Weiterlesen

Kerstin Potthoff-Koß, Dräger

Top Topic
Future Work

Future Work: An interview with Prof. Dr Yasmin Weiß

IBA Forum talked to Prof. Dr Weiß, professor, multi-executive board member, author and speaker on the topics future work, future skills and digital transformation about the future of work, the effects of digital transformation and the question of how companies will equip their employees with… Weiterlesen

Prof Dr. Yasmin Weiß

Future of Work

Metaverse work:
Utopia or reality?

The Metaverse, digital space created by the interaction of virtual, augmented and physical realities, is entering the world of work. What are the benefits and does the Metaverse have the potential to be an alternative workplace? Weiterlesen

IBA Forum - Man with VR-glasses - Metaverse work

Findings of NWX22

Imperative of the New Era

Future workplaces and new working tools are the topic of Raphael Gielgen. During his keynote at New Work Experience in June 2022, the trend scout spoke about developments in the working world and drew scenarios of how workspaces can be designed in the future. Weiterlesen

Cover photo Raphael Gielgen: Imperatives of the New Era